If in 2009 someone would’ve told me I would start my own private practice and start writing my own blog, I’d tell them they were full of shit. I never wanted that responsibility…hell, I still don’t. But, here I am. Writing to you all. I am far from a business woman but I am a woman who owns a business. I have no clue what I’m doing half the time since I began on this journey and Impostor syndrome is real and a bonafide confidence killer. I don't know much but I do know that I have the heart to serve others and that is how Yolotli Counseling was born. From the time I could speak I was drawn to creating connections. Connections con mi madre, abuela, y familia. I’ve come to learn that my heart is a connector muscle. I intend to use it daily to make and create connections where ever my feet may lead me. My hope is to use this platform as a connection to you all. This will be a place to talk about mental health and therapy. Reducing the stigma in the BIPOC community surrounding therapy and mental illness. A place where you, the child of an immigrant, a first time college student/graduate, or a young professional can feel that you are heard, seen, and understood. A space to shoot the shit but also get to the nitty gritty of your pain; the feeling of otherness or feeling lost that leads to so many emotions, behaviors, and confusion. Follow your heart to Yolotli and allow me to walk alongside you on your journey back to yourself. Follow me @yolotlicounseling on Instagram. #dondeestatucorazon#yolotlicounseling#childrenofimmigrant#firstgenerationcollegestudent#youngprofessionals#therapy#latinatherapist#mentalhealthmatters
Updated: Feb 9, 2023